Friday, October 24, 2014

Oh baby it's Christmas!

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, EVERY creature was stirring and you couldn't hear a mouse if you wanted to! We had a fun filled day jammed packed with food, crafts, activities, presents and visitors. Between the kids' sugar highs and anticipation for Santa coming, they couldn't contain themselves! Deuce literally went into super excited freak out mode and was eating wrapping paper. If we could get their energy levels down just a little, like that of a jack Russell puppy, we may be able to get them to sleep. Ha! Fat chance! We attempted to put out presents in between servicing the needs of water breaks, bathroom breaks, tummy aches, and the occasional, "he/she hit me, is hogging all the covers, keeps farting," etc. We finally finished around 1:30 am and climbed into bed exhausted and delirious. It didn't take long for both of us to pass out. BANG! That's what we got to wake up to. Our bedroom door was slung open and our youngest screaming, "it's Christmas!" I looked at the clock... 1:45. We explained it wasn't Christmas yet and put him back to bed. Again, we fell asleep. I next time I woke up to the covers being slowly pulled back and our daughter crawling into bed asking, "is it Christmas yet? Did Santa come?" I looked at the clock...2:05. We again explained that it was not time to get up and it was time to go to back to bed. They alternated coming into our room over the next hour until we finally gave up. My husband got out of bed and said whenever the next one gets up, it'll be Christmas. We can open presents and go back to bed. So, we waited...and waited...and waited. NOW they were ready to sleep!!! Oh no!!! Not now! Not after we've been trying to sleep for hours and they wanted it to be Christmas! 

So, we did what any delirious, sleep deprived parent would have done in that situation, we woke them up! Well, it wasn't so much of a wake up as it was dragging each of them out of beds while they whined how tired they were. Were they kidding?!?! Was this a sick game to try and drive us nuts?!? 30 minutes prior they were bright eyed and ready for the day to start but NOW they wanted to sleep?!? Nope! Not happening!! We finally did get them out of bed and we have great pics of them sobbing as we lead them down the hallway into the living room. Little did we know, the fun had only just begun for us as now we faced the challenge of putting all the new toys together that they received. 

I'm including my facebook post from Christmas morning, remember I was TIRED! VERY tired!! Lol. 

"OMG!! Been up since 3:30 and neither Olin nor myself could figure out this stupid ferby boom and iPad app. Let's just say several Christmas f-bombs have been thrown out along with threats of microwaving and boiling this little gremlin wanna be!! 2.5 hours later and we finally got this neglectful piece of digital crap to hatch it's eggs and Hailey is as happy as can be. On the other hand, Olin and I are VERY sleep deprived and if they had a ferby CPS, we would turn "may boo" in without a second thought! Merry Christmas!"

It's a blurry picture but you can see the aggravation on the little one's face. 

I had to stay back so they wouldn't go get back in their beds. 😊🎄🎅🎁

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