Friday, October 24, 2014

We just needed groceries

I took my children to a local grocery store and after about an hour of getting the things we actually needed while simultaneously sneaking things back on the shelves that our clepto toddler placed in the basket; we headed to the checkout. It was unusually quiet in the store and the elderly couple in front of us were obviously stockpiling groceries for hurricane season...for the rest of their lives!! As always, the natives got restless while waiting to help put the groceries on the belt. Now, most grocery stores have impulse purchase items stocked next to the registers, I don't know why they feel the need to have batteries, lighters, breath mints, and tampons all lined up in a row but to each his own. This particular day the store had a large quantity of razors on the shelf and I saw my daughter looking intently. (Warning: this is more personal info than anyone needs to know!!) She proceeded to turn around and loudly ask, "mommy, how come when daddy's home you shave (as she asks this she has her hand open and is swirling it in a circular motion around my crotch region) and when he's gone you don't shave anything?" 
What do you do at this point? Is there ANY answer you can possibly give that won't draw anymore attention to your crew of misfits? Here is a child who can't remember that she has to brush her teeth every morning but now all of the sudden she knows the intimate schedule of my "personal maintenance!" And better yet, shares it with the entire grocery store!!! I did the only thing I could think of and left the basket, grabbed each kid by the hand and did a mommy's version of the walk of shame!

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