Friday, December 5, 2014

The Stories behind our 2013 Christmas Card, Part 2

My husband is the most accident prone person I know! Seriously! I have NEVER met a man who can injure himself as much as he manages to do. Let me help you understand what I'm trying to explain. A few years ago he somehow flipped a bucket truck, while he was in the bucket, and fell 30 feet down. The end result was a shattered calcaneus. He was on crutches for about 3 months. Less than 6 months later, on his birthday, he was stomping around the attic and got his foot stuck between 2 of the beams. He lost his balance, fell backwards, crashed through the ceiling and wound up with a tib/fib fracture. This one required a couple of surgeries, a few weeks in a wheelchair, and another 3 months on crutches. Fast forward a few years and a couple of dozen injuries and we get to 2013. To be exact, his birthday in 2013. 

He went to work early that morning and around 10 am, I received a text. "I'm on my way to the hospital, I'm fine but I hurt myself." I don't know why I didn't immediately realize that this was not a "little" accident, after all it involved MY husband. I asked a few questions and  discovered that a hydraulic torque wrench slipped off of the bolt and hit him in the face. I asked him to send me a picture of the damage and this is what I received:

Sorry for the grainy picture, I can't find the original. 

Yep! That's his idea of a "little" accident! A busted lip, front tooth removed, and (we later found out) a fracture to his jaw. 
After a few surgeries, stitches, implants, and a permanent replacement; he is as good as new. Well, maybe not as good as new but equivalent to his pre birthday accident self.

 Now we just await the next self inflicted "accident" to occur so we can start a new chapter in his injury book. 

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